Syrian Latakia Tobacco

Syrian Latakia tobacco in a vintage tobacco tin

Syrian Latakia tobacco, a blend that has captivated the hearts and palates of tobacco connoisseurs around the world, has a rich and fascinating history. Named after the major port city of Latakia in Syria, this dark and flavorful tobacco has a unique curing process that sets it apart from its counterparts. Its smoky allure, a testament to its curing process, permeates the air, infusing each moment with intrigue and delight. As we delve into the captivating history of Latakia tobacco, we will explore its origins, its journey to global recognition, and its enduring charm that continues to enchant smokers far and wide.

The Birthplace: Latakia, Syria

Named after the major port city of Latakia in Syria, this tobacco’s unique flavor and aroma can be traced back to its birthplace, where the local climate and soil conditions created the perfect environment for growing this distinctive tobacco .

The Accidental Discovery

The creation of Latakia tobacco was potentially an accident. A bumper crop resulted in surplus tobacco, which the farmers stored in the rafters of their homes. Over time, the stored tobacco absorbed the smoke from the cooking fires, resulting in a uniquely rich, smoky flavor and aroma .

Sun-Drying and Smoke-Curing

What sets Latakia tobacco apart from other tobacco types is its unique curing process. After harvesting, the tobacco leaves are sun-dried. They are then smoked for a period of 13 to 15 weeks, further enhancing their flavor .

The Role of Aromatic Woods and Herbs

The smoke-curing process involves exposure to the controlled fires of aromatic woods and herbs, which imparts a distinct smoky and tart flavor to the tobacco .

The Taste and Aroma

The taste and aroma of Syrian Latakia are considered mild, floral, spiced, and with wood smoke and tart flavors similar to wine. Its smoky allure permeates the air, infusing each moment with intrigue and delight .

The Use in Blends

Within blends, Syrian Latakia is typically added to a smoking mixture at less than 15%. Blenders suggest that the smoky acridness and tang become more prominent when in percentages of 35% or more .

From Syria to Cyprus

Due to varying factors, including political unrest and environmental concerns, the large-scale production of Latakia tobacco has permanently moved from Syria to Cyprus .

The Impact of Political Unrest

The political instability in Syria has made it difficult to maintain consistent production of Latakia tobacco. As a result, the leaf destined for Latakia production is now sent to Cyprus for processing .

The Scarcity of Syrian Latakia

Due to the shift in production and the political unrest in Syria, Syrian Latakia has become scarce. Today, 99% of the Latakia used in blends is Cyprian in origin .

The Predominance of Cyprian Latakia

Despite the scarcity of Syrian Latakia, the demand for Latakia tobacco remains high. To meet this demand, Cyprian Latakia, which is derived from a different variety of tobacco and has a slightly different flavor profile, has become predominant .

The Influence on Tobacco Craftsmanship

The creation and production of Syrian Latakia have had a significant influence on tobacco craftsmanship. Its unique curing process and distinct flavor profile have set a standard for other tobacco products .

The Enduring Allure

Despite the challenges and changes in its production, the allure of Syrian Latakia endures. Its smoky, rich flavor continues to captivate the hearts and palates of tobacco connoisseurs around the world .

what is the history of syrian latakia tobacco

Syrian Latakia tobacco is a sun-dried and smoke-cured tobacco product that originated in Syria, named after its major port city, Latakia . The discovery of Latakia tobacco was potentially accidental, resulting from a bumper crop that led to surplus tobacco being stored in the rafters of homes, where it was exposed to household smoke . This unintentional process led to the development of Latakia s distinct smoky flavor and aroma .

The tobacco used for Latakia was traditionally grown in the region around Syria, including a leaf known as Shekk-el-Bint specifically for Latakia production . The leaves were then cured in barns, where they were smoked over a fire made from aromatic woods and herbs . This unique curing process gave Latakia its distinct smoky flavor and aroma .

The taste and aroma of Syrian Latakia is considered mild, floral, spiced, and with wood smoke and tart flavors similar to wine . Within blends, it is typically added to a smoking mixture at less than 15%, as the smoky acridness and tang become more prominent when in higher percentages .

However, due to sociopolitical issues within Syria, including governmental restrictions and regional unrest, large-scale Latakia tobacco production has permanently moved to Cyprus . While there is still tobacco being produced in Syria, none of it is meant for Latakia production or exportation .

what is the process of producing syrian latakia tobacco

The process of producing Syrian Latakia tobacco is a traditional and labor-intensive one, involving several distinct steps:

  1. Harvesting: The tobacco used for Latakia is traditionally grown in the region around Syria. A specific type of tobacco leaf known as “Shekk-el-Bint” was historically used for Latakia production .
  2. Sun-Drying: After harvesting, the tobacco leaves are laid on the ground to dry in the sun. This sun-curing process is the first step in developing the tobacco’s flavor .
  3. Smoke-Curing: Once the sun-drying process is complete, the leaves and sometimes the flowers are taken to storehouses where they are smoked for a period of 13 to 15 weeks. This usually takes place during the winter months to avoid damage from fermentation .
  4. Fumigation: The smoke-curing process, also referred to as fumigation, involves the leaves being exposed to smoke from controlled fires made of aromatic woods such as pine and oak, and various herbs. This imparts the tobacco with its characteristic smoky flavor and aroma .
  5. Moisture Adjustment: After fumigation, the tobacco is bulked and sprayed with water to increase its weight by 10-15% and to bring its moisture content to the desired level .
  6. Final Processing: The tobacco is then destalked, often by hand, and prepared for blending or sale. The long period of smoke-curing changes the tobacco, darkening the leaves and infusing them with the aroma of the smoke and herbs .

what are the different types of syrian latakia tobacco

The different types of Syrian Latakia tobacco are not distinguished by variety, but rather by the specific process of curing and the materials used in that process. The tobacco used for Latakia is traditionally a specific type of tobacco leaf known as “Shekk-el-Bint” . The leaves are sun-dried and then smoke-cured in a process that involves exposure to smoke from controlled fires made of aromatic woods such as Syrian oak and pine, and various herbs . This imparts the tobacco with its characteristic smoky flavor and aroma .

However, due to the Syrian government’s restrictions on harvesting the woods used in its curing, and the ongoing political unrest in the region, the large-scale production of Latakia tobacco has moved to Cyprus. While tobacco is still grown in Syria, none of it is currently used for Latakia production or exportation .

The taste and aroma of Syrian Latakia is considered mild, floral, spiced, and with wood smoke and tart flavors similar to wine . Within blends, it is typically added to a smoking mixture at less than 15%, as the smoky acridness and tang become more prominent when in higher percentages .


The journey of Syrian Latakia tobacco is an extraordinary tapestry of history, flavor, and allure. From its humble beginnings in Syria to its current production in Cyprus, it has carved its place in the annals of tobacco craftsmanship. Despite the scarcity of the original Syrian Latakia, its legacy lives on, enchanting smokers far and wide with its unique, smoky charm.


Syrian Latakia tobacco is now almost extinct, with production having ceased over a decade ago due to governmental restrictions and regional unrest . Despite this, some tobacco is still being produced in Syria, but none of it is meant for Latakia production or exportation .


What is Syrian Latakia tobacco?

Syrian Latakia tobacco is a sun-dried and smoke-cured tobacco product that originated in Syria. It is known for its distinct smoky flavor and aroma .

How is Syrian Latakia tobacco produced?

Syrian Latakia tobacco is initially sun-cured, then sealed in storage barns and smoked over a fire of aromatic wood and herbs .

What is the flavor profile of Syrian Latakia tobacco?

The taste and aroma of Syrian Latakia is considered mild, floral, spiced, and with wood smoke and tart flavors similar to wine .

Why is Syrian Latakia tobacco production limited?

The production of Syrian Latakia tobacco has been limited due to sociopolitical issues within Syria, including governmental restrictions and regional unrest .

How is Syrian Latakia tobacco used in tobacco blends?

Syrian Latakia tobacco is primarily used in making pipe tobacco blends, particularly those of the English pipe tobacco variety .


While there are no specific books solely dedicated to Syrian Latakia tobacco, general books on tobacco and pipe smoking may provide valuable insights into this unique product.

Sources of information:

Information for this article was primarily sourced from Wikipedia, Fair Trade Tobacco, and Old Havana Cigar.


  1. Wikipedia – Latakia (tobacco)
  2. Fair Trade Tobacco – The End of Syrian Latakia
  3. Old Havana Cigar – About Latakia Pipe Tobacco